This web site is for and about the Beekeepers of Volusia County, Florida, and for others interested in beekeeping in this area.
This site is maintained by the Website Committee. For comments or questions about the web site, please use the Contact link.
1) No personal information collected by this site will be released to anyone. If you need to contact someone, please exchange contact information at one of the regular meetings.
2) This is a very family-friendly site. Any comments that use any language, either explicit or implied, that would not have been acceptable on network television in the 1950’s will be deleted without further comment or explanation, and that person will be blocked from any further posting on this site.
If you’re interested in Beekeeping, please check our Frequently Asked Questions page, to see what it will take to get started. If you don’t find the answer there, use our Contact form and we’ll get back with you as soon as we can.
Message from the President February 2024
Update 2/2/2024
Greetings Beekeepers,
Your newly elected leadership team has been working on getting up to speed on our club’s structure, processes, and membership. Your officers are trying to help the club become a bit more formally organized, with agendas, consistent messaging, organized committees, communication, etc. Part of this is me sending this message monthly. Please let me know whether you find it helpful or not, and feel free to send ideas for improvement.
Dues As you know, dues are $30.00 per year per family. They must be paid to Seth Henderson, Treasurer, on or before our march meeting to be able to vote. Please pay by check, if possible.
Committee Participation
A club is only as valuable as its members make it. We need the active involvement of all members to be the organization our members and our honeybees need it to be. Please look at the list of actual and proposed committees and decide which ones you are interested in and can contribute to.
Committees should meet at least once per month between membership meetings (Zoom virtual and phone conferences will work) and offer a brief report at each membership meeting. I’ve outlined a few thoughts about each committee and included the names of folks who are already on board. Please come to February’s meeting with your choice of committee assignments. Suggestions for additional and/or alternative committees are welcome, of course. Your president will be an ex officio member of each committee and will attend meetings when able.
Social Media/IT
Miranda Tressler, Romeo Hernandez (others needed)
Manage website, database, communication, Facebook, etc.
Karen Landrick, (others needed)
Mentorship program, educational opportunities for members, arrange speakers, DITBYs.
Trish, Sophie, Patti Fort (Others welcome)
Tasks include food for meetings and DITBYs, Potluck management, etc.
Chair is Treasurer
Tasks include fundraising, control of club property, club merchandise.
Public affairs:
Craig Loewinger and Richard Beckman (Others needed)
Tasks include finding, planning, executing public events such as County fair, Wildflower Festival, etc.
We continue to look for knowledgeable and dynamic speakers. If you know of suitable candidates, and/or have suggestions for topics please let us know.
Past President Nick Johnston and President Jeordie Rahaim will present The Science and Craft of Colony Splits at our February meeting.
The March meeting will feature a talk on Rearing and Managing Queens by Tucka-Bee, a distinguished Florida queen breeder and speaker.
April’s meeting will include a virtual visit from Mary Bammer, MS, instructional designer UF/IFAS Honey Bee Research and Extension Lab, Gainesville, FL. Mary is the coordinator of the UF Master Beekeeper Program and a prolific author of many publications about honeybee management.
Intro to Backyard Beekeeping
We will resume the Introduction to Backyard Beekeeping at 5:30 PM on February 28, just prior to our membership meeting. This will be the first of 3 or 4 such classes this Spring, and there will be one or 2 in the late Summer, Fall. The ultimate number of the classes will be determined according to participant interest.
Please come to February’s meeting with your choices of committee assignments and payment for dues. A story to share about this Spring’s build up in your Apiary would be nice, too.
Right now, I’ve got to get back to my bees!
See you soon,
Jeordie Rahaim
Bees of Pineapple Palace
808 381 4077